The Benefits of CBD Oil
Posted by Sunny O'Malley on
My pet family includes seven kitties and one purrfect puppy boy. They bless my life every day and I cannot imagine life without them.
I adopted "Baby" on November 12, 2003 in Maui. He's the kitty in the picture with me atop this page. His birthday is August 4, and in less than one week my sweet 16 Baby will celebrate sixteen wonderful years as a member of our family.
This might not seem that special, except that when Baby was only a year and a half he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Dr. Bonnie Lefbaum prescribed medications that have managed his condition and allowed him to live a full and happy life. Baby is one of many miracles in my life.
Baby developed chronic sinusitis so bad he had surgery to correct the condition. Unfortunately even after surgery he showed no improvement. I turned to Dr. Jordan Kocen, a holistic veterinarian, to try acupuncture and herbal remedies for Baby. While those treatments are helpful, they are not a cure.
In February this year Baby's difficulties increased. He developed large nasal tumors on his nose, lost interest in eating, lost weight, and became lethargic. Afraid I would soon lose him, I turned to the internet for information on CBD oil. I read many articles but my choice to try Holista Pet CBD oil is the result of this article on kitty catter.
I cannot say enough good about the Holista Pet CBD oil. Baby's symptoms are so much better and the nasal tumors on his nose have shrunk to nothing. The photo below of Baby was taken on April 24, 2019.
This is a picture I took of Baby August 1, 2019
Baby is looking and acting like my boy again! He has gained back over three pounds, loves his food and can breathe so much better. I attribute his recovery to many prayers and consistent use as directed of Holista Pet CBD oil. Holista Pet also offers CBD oil for dogs and they have a blog full of informative and helpful articles to guide pet parents in choosing the best options for their pets. Click here to order and enter coupon code Sunny to receive a 15% discount off of your order.
Before I go I want to share another web site that truly inspired me and gave me hope that CBD oil really could be an answer for Baby. The site is Cannabis Oil Cat and you can find it online here.
Until next time!